More pandemics coming if environmental issues not dealt with: report
An international group of scientists has concluded pandemic problems are just starting unless the world moves to deal with the issues creating them.
“The factors driving pandemics are human activities — unsustainable growth in livestock production, deforestation, the wildlife trade and global connectivity,” says Peter Daszak, a British expert on disease ecology and head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
The panel, which has 137 member nations, commissioned a report into the environmental roots of pandemics and new diseases including AIDS, H1N1, SARS, Ebola and COVID-19. The authors of the peer-reviewed report drew on the findings of more than 700 journal articles — about a third published in the last year.
“Pandemics are becoming more frequent, driven by a continued rise in the underlying emerging disease events that spark them,” the report says.