Image Credit: CFJC Today

First snowfall has Kamloops citizens planning winter recreation activities

Oct 27, 2020 | 4:52 PM

KAMLOOPS — With the first flakes of snow flying on Friday, people’s minds have turned to outdoor recreation this winter. With the pandemic, we saw a huge boost in boat and RV sales, as well as bikes – both pedal and mechanized. Those retailers are now gearing up for a winter season which could see similar trends taking shape.

The official start of winter is still a little under two months away. However, that wintery blast of arctic air we got on Friday – along with about 10 cm of snow – was a wake-up call for folks who like to recreate in the winter.

“The snow’s a huge motivator for people that really love winter sports,” says Sean Daley – manager of Cycle Logic. “As soon as the first couple of flakes start to fall, people get right into it.”

Down at Cycle Logic, they’ve just started making that transition from bikes to skis. Manager Sean Daley says the 2020 bike season was the best he’s ever been a part of.

“In some cases, it was almost too busy,” Daley says. “Inventory towards the end of the season has been really hard to get.”

On Monday, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was underway in British Columbia. Shops that specialize in outdoor recreation equipment are preparing for a new wave of consumers, as folks prepare to keep themselves occupied during what could be a long winter.

“People are obviously aware of the current global situation and they’re looking for a way to do things on their own,” Daley says. That definitely includes back-country skiing, cross-country skiing, and backcountry snowboarding.”

“May, June, July – we shattered sales records,” Landon Leduke explains. Leduke is one of the owners of Outlaw Motorsports where they’re preparing as if this winter will be extremely busy.

“We’re pretty fortunate in our industry that what we sell plays within the rules [of the pandemic],” Leduke says. “We’re able to do this safely, and people figured that out early on.”

However, if you’re heading out into the backcountry, staying safe should be priority one. Leduke believes his customers are doing their research before they come in to buy.

“We do our best – we’re all enthusiasts – to try and educate people and make sure we’re not sending anyone in over their heads,” Leduke says.

Daley agrees that understanding what you’re getting yourself into is crucial – so if something goes wrong, you can get yourself out.

“If you do intend to recreate in the backcountry, that you do so safely,” Daley recommends. “Get the gear, get the knowledge, and be aware of the increased risk that is out there.”

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