New federal regulations prompt Domtar to talk to Kamloops about chlorine dioxide
KAMLOOPS — Officials at the Domtar pulp mill in Kamloops say new federal regulations mean the community needs to know more about a chemical they are using.
Speaking to CFJC Today from Dryden, Ontario, Domtar spokesperson Bonny Skene says new federal environmental emergency regulations require the company to talk to the public about chlorine dioxide.
“In the case of chlorine dioxide, this is a chemical that we produce and store on site for use in pulp manufacturing,” said Skene. “It’s classified as an inhalation hazard, so if you breathe it in, it can cause anywhere from mild to serious effects depending on your exposure.”
“We’ve never had a chlorine dioxide environmental emergency in the history of the mill and every day, we work hard to make sure that it stays that way.”