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Victoria Street West

West Victoria crime raises a ruckus in B.C. Legislature

Jul 15, 2020 | 11:42 AM

KAMLOOPS — Problems with crime along the Victoria Street West corridor in Kamloops made waves at the B.C. Legislature in Victoria this week.

During question period on Monday (July 13), Kamloops MLAs Peter Milobar and Todd Stone pressed Housing Minister Selena Robinson on the issue, saying a recent spike in criminal activity is related to residents in nearby supportive housing facilities who don’t have the proper supports promised by government.

Milobar told Robinson business owners along West Victoria have had enough.

“The issues and concerns we’re raising today are real,” Milobar said. “They’re from the community… they’re what we’re hearing from our own constituents and the minister is dismissing them out of hand by saying we’re trying to be divisive. We’re simply bringing forward what people are calling for, and what they’re calling for is what the minister promised with her multiple different times that she has talked about 24-7 supports.”

Robinson responded that the supports are in place and Kamloops is pleased with the government’s progress on the issue.

“We have 24-7 supports for people on site,” said Robinson. “I think what the members keep referring to is they would prefer to go back to the old days when we institutionalized people. That’s what they’re describing… and it’s not how we operate.”

WATCH: View the full exchange (Video Credit: YouTube / BCLibCaucus)

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