GINTA: If you love green spaces, please do it right
IT’S NOT EVERY DAY that you see someone in a municipal park hacking away at Saskatoon bushes with a chainsaw. You think you saw everything until you see that. On any given Saturday morning people come to Peterson Creek Park without a chainsaw, unless of course, they are city employees and they need to attend to some issues in the said park.
Well, someone who was not in any way authorized to do so thought he’d bring a chainsaw and deal with some ‘unruly’ Saskatoon bushes. In plain view, that is, in case you are wondering, on a well-trafficked trail. People walked by and the chainsaw massacre continued until someone confronted the handler and passersby started paying attention. He hopped on a bike and off he went.
Everyone appreciates good work done for everyone’s benefit. But unless the city has been notified and they agreed to have volunteers take care of the work for them, it’s hands-off for many reasons. One is that people can get injured. Another is that the line between helping when needed and ‘hacking away at branches that are in my way’ becomes a bit blurry.
So, the best way to do it is to let parks be. Notify the City if something needs to be attended to but don’t take it upon yourself to save the day.