Kamloops council pushes projects forward to patch $5M COVID-19-generated hole in 2020 budget
KAMLOOPS — Kamloops council has deferred a series of planned projects to 2021 as a way of shrinking a $5 million hole blown in this year’s budget by COVID-19.
“We take no pleasure in the kinds of decisions that we need to make. Every one of the initiatives that may be impacted by decisions that council will make are initiatives that are important to us, to this council and to this community,” noted Mayor Ken Christian as council discussed proposals to bring the City’s books back to balance. “But we find ourselves in a circumstance that we hadn’t envisioned.”
Director of Corporate Services Kathy Humphrey told council revenue projections are down by more than $12 million if COVID-19-related restrictions continue to the end of September. Layoffs and facility closures are predicted to cut expenses to the tune of $7 million in the same time frame.