JK Rowling Recovered from Covid 19

Apr 7, 2020 | 6:33 AM

Harry Potter scribe J.K. Rowling revealed Monday that she has recovered after experiencing symptoms of coronavirus for two weeks. On Twitter, she shared a breathing technique she says helped her recover.

Linking to a YouTube video, she wrote: “Please watch this doc from Queens Hospital explain how to relieve respiratory symptoms. For last 2 weeks I’ve had all symptoms of C19 (tho haven’t been tested) & did this on doc husband’s advice. I’m fully recovered & technique helped a lot.”

Rowling also thanked fans for support, writing: “Thank you for your kind and lovely messages! I really am completely recovered and wanted to share a technique that’s recommended by doctors, costs nothing, has no nasty side effects but could help you/your loved ones a lot, as it did me. Stay safe, everyone x”.

Rowling has used her downtime to launch a site, Harry Potter at Home, for parents and students struggling to find creative and useful ways to remain occupied during quarantine.