Image credit: Kamloops Blazers

WHL season paused, Blazers on hold

Mar 12, 2020 | 6:30 PM

KAMLOOPS — Arena are dark tonight in one of sports darkest hours.

And no indication as to when the lights will go back on.

In a proactive approach to try and prevent the community spread of the novel coronavirus, now considered a pandemic, large gatherings, events like those in sports, are being suspended or cancelled.

The NBA, NHL and CHL all suspending or pausing their seasons.

The Canadian Hockey League is the umbrella of the three major junor leagues — Ontario, Quebec and the Western Hockey League.

The Blazers next scheduled game tomorrow night at the Sandman Centre —- it’s off.

On a normal day the Kamloops Blazers would have been here this afternoon —- practicing — preparing for two games this weekend against the Kelowna Rockets.

These are anything but normal days. And there is no indication as to when things will be back to normal.

“It’s been such a moving target in the last 48 hours, or even three or four days.” says Blazers President Don Moores. “It’s very difficult to say when things are going to get back to normal. I don’t think you or I have ever seen this in our lifetime, so it’s unprecedented.”

Moores says the first priority is the health and welfare of the players, the fans, and support staff —- and that shutting down the league for now, is the right thing to do.

Blazers players were told not to come to practice, or the rink, today.

“We had a conference call with the players” says Moores. “If you look at the situation in Utah (NBA) they had two players that at this point have been infected. No one else has been infected. So clearly staying away from everybody is an important thing at this point.”

Of increased concern to the Blazers is that they just returned after spending four days in Washington State — one of the hardest hit areas for COVID-19 in North America .

“You certainly think about it. None of our players or coaches, or staff are showing any signs of anything.” says Moores. “We’re certainly conscious of it, and if any of our players aren’t feeling quite right, they should be letting us know immediately.”

Moores says given the kind of season the Blazers are having, pausing the season at this point is a huge disappointment for the team and the fans.

“We’ve got a really good team. Winning the B.C. Division is a pretty big deal for us — it doesn’t happen very often.” says Moores. “We’re pretty proud of that—-proud for our players, and I know the fans are proud.’

Is there one more thing you would like to say to the fans? “Well we love you and thank you so much for your support. I understand that there is some frustration on your behalf. But just be patient. It’ll all work out, and we’ll continue on.” Moores says the league will be continuously monitoring before any decisions are made on finishing the regular season or how a playoff structure would look.