Carry Me Gently, I’m a Superstar
@SelenaGomez fronts the cover of the Spring 2020 #DEATHOFTHE2010S issue of Dazed. Pre-order now on !
Photography Brianna Capozzi
Styling Emma Wyman
Selena Gomez is on the cover of British magazine Dazed, and inside the mag, she answered questions submitted by fans and fellow celebrities with topics ranging from her Latin identity to her favorite karaoke song – which she says is anything by Cardi B.
Answering a question from an online fan account about the scariest part of releasing her latest album Rare four years after her last album, 2015’s Revival, Selena reveals that she was terrified that no one would like it and that her career as a singer would be over. She added that she is glad the album is “doing well” and she did everything she could to “make it as personal and real.”
When Bad Bunny asked Selena if she feels she “represents Latinos” despite singing in English, Selena says, “One thousand percent. I’m always very vocal about my background, as far as me talking about immigration, and my grandparents having to come across the border illegally.”
Other takeaways from the article:
When asked by photographer Brianna Capozzi if she could get rid of Instagram would she, Selena seemed split in her decision: “Oh gosh! I think I’d have a lot of people not liking me for saying yes. If I could find a balanced, happy medium that would be great, but I would be lying if I said that it isn’t destroying some of my generation, their identity.”
Capozzi also inquired into who she would like to be stuck in a elevator with, to which Gomez revealed: “Princess Diana. She was such a warrior; I love everything she did. There’s this interview I will never forget where she is like, ‘I just want to be the queen of people’s hearts.’ You know, she didn’t necessarily care for all of the rules that (were imposed on her).”
Anna Chai – director of the Gomez-produced Netflix series Living Undocumented – asked if she has any regrets. The 27-year-old explained: “No, no. I mean, there are certain things which I wish hadn’t happened to me. But without them I wouldn’t have been the voice I am for people who have gone through the same thing. You know, going through the lupus thing and the kidney transplant, I was dealing with fame and with being run-down, dealing with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues that I had. It was all a bit confusing.”
Full Story: Dazed
DazedCarry Me Gently, I’m a Superstar
@SelenaGomez fronts the cover of the Spring 2020 #DEATHOFTHE2010S issue of Dazed. Pre-order now on !Photography Brianna Capozzi
Styling Emma Wyman