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Sound OFF

SOUND OFF: Horgan’s northern B.C. tour little more than a photo op

Jan 31, 2020 | 3:10 PM

THIS MONTH, Premier John Horgan made his way up to Prince George and nearby communities in what was his first tour of northern B.C. since he assumed the role of premier two-and-a-half years ago. As a result of long-term absence from the region, many expected that he would bring with him plans of support for the challenges facing the North. Unfortunately, no such offers or plans were presented, and Horgan’s tour appeared to be only an extended photo-op that lacked any real substance.

At a time when residents of northern B.C. are struggling daily with issues that need to be addressed by government it was not unreasonable for rural British Columbians to expect more from Horgan. In the past year alone, we have seen the worst forestry crisis, months of declining job numbers, a sham-filled caribou consultation, and delays to major resource projects like pipelines.

Instead of providing tangible relief to hard-hit communities, Horgan only demonstrated his continued disconnect with rural B.C, dismissing critiques of his government’s support of resource development, and going as far as remarking that, “Quite frankly, we don’t hear from [Opposition MLAs] about the positive initiatives that are happening in the community.”

This ignorant comment from the premier illustrates clearly how out of touch he is with anyone living outside of southwest B.C. and the MLAs who proudly represent those communities.

My colleagues and I spend every day trying to make the NDP government aware of what is going on across the province. From writing letters to ministers on behalf of constituents, to bringing up local issues and initiatives in the legislature, to sharing stories through the media — we work to be as engaged as possible in our local communities and advocate on their behalf in Victoria.

At the end of the day, John Horgan’s trip was one of photo-ops rather than substance, and it left locals feeling once again that this government does not care about anything going on outside the Lower Mainland and its NDP-held ridings.

It will take more than a few appearances north of Hope to convince British Columbians that the premier and his government genuinely care about what’s going on here in rural B.C, and for Horgan to blame his disconnect from these regions on a lack of hearing from Opposition MLAs is absurd. Premier Horgan hears from rural voices all the time, he simply chooses to ignore them.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group.