GINTA: How about that pub night?
NEWS TRAVELS FAST. The controversial stories even faster, more so when they have a risqué edge. Such was the case of the story hailing from our very own ‘small town/big city’ as I like to affectionally refer to Kamloops. It was about a pub and a certain eyebrow-raising event and it got people talking.
If you happened upon it, or heard someone mentioning it, yes, it is about the ‘CEOs and Office Hoes’, scheduled to take place this past Friday (Jan. 17) at one of the local watering holes, Cactus Jacks. Yes, it is 2020 but cringe if you must; many did. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat when I stumbled upon the news on CBC. “Some way to show off the community,” I thought.
It’s not political correctness that made me cringe. It’s the kind of stuff you might be tempted to say, “Whatever; to each their own.” But then again, no. The advertising poster, aside from some obvious typos which made it sound hilarious — more like a garden party, as someone pointed out in the comments — was tacky and a few levels below what’s acceptable. It suggested that men come in suits — they are the CEOs — and ‘collard’ (sic) shirts, while woman (sic) wear, among others, heels. Because, you know, office attire for women.
It was like going back in time a few decades. There’s nothing wrong with silly fun, but come on! What bothered me, aside from the above-mentioned, was some readers’ reactions. I know, I know, who cares, some people don’t think twice about throwing ugly comments. And boy, did they ever. It went from “What do you expect? It’s Kamloops,” to “That place is nothing more but a glorified truck stop” and “Kamloops is the least classy of places in Canada.” Lots more. Ouch.