ROTHENBURGER: Five important things Kamloops must get done in 2020
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS have never been much of a thing with me. I tend to make them as easy as possible in order to avoid failure.
In 2020, for example, I will vow to pay more attention to myself. I get this from Facebook, where daily I read the self-congratulations of people who feel they deserve credit for having gotten through some kind of challenge and now must treat themselves better.
On the other end of the scale are those who are perpetually self-satisfied, who feel the need to tell the world about their latest accomplishment, such as picking out the correct coffee maker for their kitchen or paint colour for their living room.
So, at least once a week, or whenever, I promise to splurge on a latte for myself, and on a really crazy day I will add a chocolate croissant, warmed up.