GINTA: The things the Christmas train brings about
SO THIS IS HOW I STARTED writing my column for this week, because of this upsetting and about to get uglier issue…
Here we are again, on the cusp of having new vaping products released for public consumption —cannabis vaping products to be precise. We have just barely started to unravel the mysterious lung illnesses that have befallen young people especially. The Center for Disease Control in the U.S. has reported almost 2,500 hundred cases of lung illness and 52 deaths, all related to vaping.
Luckily, Canada has seen only 14 cases so far, but that is not reason to shrug our shoulders. Given the severity of the adverse health effects seen so far, one would think that Health Canada would put a stop to it and request that more tests are done before new products are released.
Well, no. With no testing on the health effects related to inhaling cannabis products, Health Canada is willing to let it all be a major experiment. Many health practitioners and researchers are questioning the decision and even more so, the decision to include flavours in the cannabis vaping products. Yes, we already know that flavours make vaping more attractive to young people — but so what?