Image Credit: CFJC Today / Jill Sperling

More people utilizing public flu clinics across all of Interior Health

Nov 27, 2019 | 5:01 PM

KAMLOOPS — More people are choosing to get a flu shot this year in the B.C. interior.

Interior Health has held two major flu clinics in Kamloops so far and has seen an increase of around 1,000 people attend over last year.

Across all of Interior Health, there is an increase of almost 4,000 people receiving the vaccine through the clinics.

Public Health Nurse Julie Tobin says the increase does not include people accessing the flu shot through their doctors’ office, pharmacies, or nurse practitioners.

“We’re very happy with it,” Tobin said. “We always want to see more come in. The flu shot is the best way to protect ourselves and our loved ones, but we are very happy with the numbers so far.”

There are a few more clinics scheduled for areas outside of Kamloops, and they are held at the Public Health Unit throughout the flu season.

Tobin couldn’t pinpoint exactly why there is such a significant increase in people attending the clinics.

“We think it’s maybe, hopefully, because of our education campaign and people are just understanding the importance of getting the flu shot and how vital it is to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our vulnerable populations here.”