Kristen Stewart and Shia LaBeouf bond over weird childhood and insecurities

Nov 15, 2019 | 8:13 AM

Kristen Stewart and Shia LaBeouf have both had pretty wild lives. They bonded over their past, present and future in a candid new interview with Variety. The pair talk to each other about what growing up in the spotlight was like, and how it has changed who they are today.

As it turns out, Stewart was a shrinking violet as a kiddo.

“When I was a kid…I was extremely shy and not somebody who you would think would want to be an actor,” Stewart told LaBeouf. “I don’t know how you were as a little kid, ’cause we both did that and that’s a weird thing to have in common, but I definitely had to like…I had to do dig…I was a masochist…so I think I’m really talkative now, I’m f–kin’ killin’ it. I talk to f–kin’ everyone now.”

LaBeouf, meanwhile, revealed that his lack of formal schooling left him insecure.

“I used to walk around with a pen and a pad, almost litigious, like, ‘Hey, what’s your name? Oh, cool.’ Then I’d write it in a little notepad,” LaBeouf recalled. “I wanted to seem studious, because I didn’t go to school and I didn’t learn how to do this acting thing.”

Same, Stewart said: “I have this chip right here too.”

They also, they agreed, remain dissatisfied.

He said: “I think I’m deeply dissatisfied with life.[…] This is where things get tricky for me. It isn’t my whole life. I have to get OK with that. It’s usually where things go awry for me is when I’m not on a set. Life gets hard.”

Stewart added that she isn’t sure if she’s talented: “I consider myself extremely impulsive and compulsive. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. When people are really proud of their work, I’m like, “Sure, you made it possible for this to occur, I guess. You kind of stood in the right place.”

LaBeouf continued: “Like having a butterfly land on your shoulder or


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