Image Credit: CFJC Today

Kamloops RCMP watching school zone around Westsyde Elementary for speeders

Oct 29, 2019 | 3:29 PM

KAMLOOPS — Kamloops RCMP traffic officers and Speed Watch volunteers were out along Westsyde Road Tuesday morning (Oct. 29). They were there to ensure traffic along the stretch outside Westsyde Elementary School slowed down while going through the school zone.

According to RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Jodi Shelkie, many motorists along that stretch weren’t adjusting to the 30 km/h speed zone that runs in front of the school. In two previous visits to the area, Speed Watch volunteers had observed many drivers going significantly faster than the posted limit.

“Our volunteers have been out and have found that over 60 per cent of the motorists on Westsyde Road are speeding through this elementary school zone,” Shelkie says. “We’ve put a concerted effort into doing enforcement in this area, but we’d rather not have to write those speeding tickets. We’d rather just have people slow down and obey the law.”

Shelkie says many of the worst offenders are southbound drivers, as they transition from an 80 km/h zone into a 60 km/h almost immediately before the school zone starts. Shelkie says while officers have been handing out enforcement tickets, the main focus is on the safety of the Westsyde Elementary students.