Interior Health

Interior Health proposes centralizing Kamloops south shore services into one facility

Oct 29, 2019 | 8:23 AM

KAMLOOPS — Interior Health has taken the first steps toward consolidating many of its services on the south side of Kamloops into the same facility.

The health authority has opened a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) as it seeks leased space to host Home and Community Care, Mental Health and Substance Use, Primary Health Care, Chronic Disease Management, Public Health, Community Ambulatory Care, as well as “various corporate departments.”

As it stands, those services are distributed over several different sites, mostly in downtown Kamloops.

According to the RFQ, a centralized site would “support synergies among programs, improve client access, enhance service delivery, and provide an affordable long-term solution.”

In addition, IH Communications Consultant Kevin Parnell says a centralized site would transition those programs and services “from 15 leases into one purpose-designed space.”

Parnell says the proposal will only go forward depending on the response to the RFQ.

As for why IH would not consider the North Shore for a centralized facility for these services, Parnell says the health authority is maintaining a focus on keeping existing services in the same general geographic area. All of the services and programs considered for this proposal are currently located on the south shore.

Parnell adds services located on the North Shore have already gone through a similar amalgamation.

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