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File Photo (Image Credit: RCMP Handout)
Missing Person

Vern Boettger’s truck found; still no sign of Vavenby man after six years missing

Oct 8, 2019 | 3:59 AM

VAVENBY, B.C. — RCMP in the Clearwater area say there has been a break in a six-year-old missing persons case.

Vern Boettger was 78 years old when he was last seen on October 6, 2013.

Cpl. Madonna Saunderson of North District RCMP says Boettger’s truck was found near Graffunder Lakes, 20 kilometres east of Vavenby, on Sept. 5 of this year.

“The vehicle that he was driving when reported missing has been discovered,” said Saunderson. “Police, family and search and rescue have conducted a few searches within a four- to six-kilometre radius of where the vehicle was found and, unfortunately, found no sign of the gentleman.”

File Photo (Image Credit: RCMP Handout)

Boettger’s 1997 black Ford Ranger is a two-wheel drive pickup, and Saunderson says it appears to have gotten stuck in a culvert.

“There is evidence to suggest that perhaps the vehicle did get stuck and [Boettger was] unable to get it unstuck. We certainly have no indication of any foul play or suspicious activity whatsoever,” said Saunderson.

Speaking to CFJC News in 2015, Boettger’s wife Mirna said she would never give up looking for her husband.

While the discovery of the truck has allowed searchers to narrow down a search area for Boettger, Saunderson says it’s disappointing that it didn’t quickly lead to any more clues as to Boettger’s whereabouts.

“There is still no sign of the gentleman and nothing was found during the search,” said Saunderson. “The description of where the vehicle was found has been described as very rugged and overgrown since the vehicle perhaps got stuck there.”

File Photo (Image Credit: RCMP Handout)
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