Image Credit: CFJC Today / Kent Simmonds
Fire Prevention Week

Families encouraged to make home fire escape plans during Fire Prevention Week

Oct 7, 2019 | 3:33 PM

KAMLOOPS — When the smoke alarm is sounding, it’s time to act.

Kamloops Fire Rescue is encouraging families to make fire escape plans during Fire Prevention Week.

“Planning really helps,” said KFR Life Safety Educator Lyle Weninger, “because the middle of the night is not the time you want to be deciding where you’re going to go.”

KFR is handing out thousands of pamphlets to elementary school students across the city this week.

The goal is to get them talking about a plan.

“Come up with a plan, draw it out, you want to have two ways out of each room, and you want to practice that,” Weninger said. “You want to practice that twice a year. You also want to have a safe meeting place outside, like a tree or something that’s permanent that everyone can meet at.”

Once you are safely outside and away from any immediate danger, that’s the time to pick up the phone and call 9-1-1.

This year fire prevention week overlaps with the Thanksgiving weekend.

“We’re just reminding people, stay in your kitchen while you’re cooking,” Weninger said. “That’s still the number one cause of fires in Kamloops is unattended cooking. It causes major damage each year.”

House fires can spread rapidly, which is why it is essential that people test their smoke alarms on a regular basis.

Image Credit: CFJC Today / Kent Simmonds

“An escape plan is useless if you’re not awoken by your smoke alarm in the middle of the night. Having working smoke alarms is really important.”

With a little bit of pre-planning, Kamloops Fire Rescue is hoping families will be able to act quickly at the first signs of fire.

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