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Run for the Cure

Sunday’s Run for the Cure extra special for run director

Oct 4, 2019 | 3:27 PM

KAMLOOPS — It’s time to Run for the Cure in Kamloops.

The annual fundraiser for breast cancer research takes place at Riverside Park this Sunday (Oct. 6).

This will be the 23rd year of the CIBC Run for the Cure in Kamloops.

It will be a somewhat emotional year for Volunteer Run Director Starr Webb, who was diagnosed with breast cancer last November.

After 15 years of involvement with the run committee, Webb never expected to participate as a cancer survivor.

File Photo (Image Credit / CFJC Today)

“It has a different focus for me and definitely it’s more tugging on my heartstrings and my tear ducts as well,” Webb said. “So, this year will be, for me a very, very special year.”

Webb has also decided this year will be her last as run director.

She will be joined by other survivors and loved ones of breast cancer patients.

Webb says the event is making a significant impact in the fight against cancer.

“Through the run for the cure, we have sponsored just amazing amounts of research over the years, right across Canada,” Webb said. “The numbers are getting better, but we still will have one in eight women will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime in Canada. What’s exciting is that fewer and fewer women are dying from breast cancer.”

Registration for the run begins at 9:00 a.m. for those who have not already signed up online, and the run itself starts at 10:45.

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