Image Credit: CFJC Today

National Communist Party leader visits Kamloops

Sep 30, 2019 | 5:58 PM

KAMLOOPS — On Saturday, Communist Party of Canada Leader Liz Rowley was in Kamloops to support local candidate Peter Kerek’s campaign, as well as speak with party supporters.

Rowley joined the Communists back in the late-60’s during the social and political upheaval which was caused by the Vietnam War. She says she sees similarities between that conflict and the current climate crisis we’re experiencing, in that young people are starting to speak up and be heard.

“We’ve heard for a long time about how youth are disengaged, not interested,” Rowley said. “I was marching in the Climate Strike demonstration [Friday] in Vancouver. There were 100,000 people there, half a million in Montreal… I’d say many of the people there were young.”

According to Rowley, some people aren’t interested in another term of “business as usual.” She hopes that disenfranchisement helps draw more support to the communist party.

“A lot of people are really turned off politics, á la the Liberals and Conservatives. They feel that party politics – there aren’t answers there, and to some degree, I’d agree. We’re not getting the answers we need from the parties that are in government.”

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