CFJC-TV members Chad Klassen (left), Tanya Cronin and Bill O'Donovan were out for Raise A Reader on Thursday morning (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

Raise A Reader helping to fund essential literacy programs in Kamloops

Sep 25, 2019 | 10:13 AM

KAMLOOPS — It’s Raise A Reader day and volunteers were scattered through the city on Wednesday morning, stationed at drive-thrus to collect money for literacy programs in Kamloops.

Volunteers, including TRU WolfPack athletes, were at various locations collecting people’s spare change and giving out newspapers as they helped to raise money for essential reading programs for people of all ages.

“It’s now year No. 12 of Raise A Reader. All the money raised in the two-hour time period between 7-9 a.m. goes towards literacy programs in Kamloops, whether they be for the little people like Mother Goose or adult programs like, for instance, literacy programs at the KRCC (Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre),” said Raise A Reader volunteer and TRU Sports Information Officer Larry Read.

Last year, Raise A Reader brought in $133,000 for Kamloops and area with funds also contributed by the province and sponsors. For the TRU athletes, it’s about helping people with literacy, but they turn the day into a competition for bragging rights.

Raise A Reader occurred in Kamloops on Wednesday morning at various locations across the city (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

“They all get excited about it. Obviously, it’s a good cause, and being student athletes they know the importance of literacy,” said Read. “But there are other things at stake as well. There’s an ongoing bet, and I know betting is illegal, but there’s an ongoing bet between men’s volleyball and men’s basketball in regards to who raises the most money. Men’s volleyball has won every year. That’s part one. Then part two is GPA (grade point average) and usually basketball wins the GPA version.”

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