ROTHENBURGER: Fondly remembering the best boss I ever had
KAMLOOPS HAS HAD many outstanding media people over the years.
Names like Jack Knox, Walter Jones, Frances Bula, Dave Obee, Angelo Iacobucci, Bob Price, Jim Harrison, Susan Duncan, Doug Collins and many others come to mind. But not all have been news people; not all have been known for their bylines or their voices.
Some have been in the business end of the media and have quietly steered their ships toward bigger and better things, leaving the notoriety to their journalists. Do names like Robbie Dunn, Dale Brin, Rick Arnish and Bryson Stone ring a bell?
They’re the guys who were in charge, who had to make sure the bills were paid, who decided when to spend and when to cut, when to take chances and when to be cautious, who to hire and fire. They were the bosses.