Image Credit: CFJC Today

Kamloops mother, daughter desperate for new place as they face eviction

Jul 5, 2019 | 10:30 AM

KAMLOOPS — A Kamloops mother and daughter have been put in a difficult position with nowhere to go.

Trish Rhode is a paraplegic and gets around in a wheelchair. Her mom, Pat, is aging and has respiratory issues. The pair has lived together for the last 21 years, including 14 years in Brocklehurst. However, they are in the process of being evicted by their landlord.

“In their words, they want us out. They keep saying there are wheelchair accessible properties all over the place, and there aren’t,” said Trish. “Quite frankly, I don’t know what we’re going to do. I can’t be homeless in a wheelchair.”

The landlord, who asked not to be named in our story, says the plan is to move the property manager into the suite as soon as possible. They say they’ve done everything possible to help Trish and Pat out with incentives, including the first two months rent wherever they go. The mother and daughter pair agreed in April to move. But since then, they haven’t been able to find a two-bedroom place.

The two have a list of places they have called. Every day, they are reaching out to property management companies and non-profits to see if there are vacancies.

The Kamloops rental market is very tight. According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the vacancy rate as of October 2018 was 1.3 per cent — and even tighter for people with disabilities looking for accommodation.

On Friday, ASK Wellness stepped up and got in touch with Trish. The non-profit is trying to connect Trish and her mom with the wheelchair-friendly housing they need. ASK says finding that kind of place in Kamloops is nearly impossible.

“Realistically as of right now, wheelchair-accessible units that are pet-friendly is Hillside [Walk in Valleyview],” said ASK Wellness coordinator of housing intake Danielle Charles. “And then we’ve talked about some hotels. Maybe doing a monthly rental there until we can get her situated.”

ASK Wellness wants to keep Trish and Pat together, but are exploring all options. The unit Trish spotted at Hillside Walk in Valleyview on Friday morning is raising her spirits for the time being.

“Yes, but I sit here with bated breath because that is one apartment out of an entire city of people looking,” she said.

Image Credit: CFJC Today

Trish says getting that place would be a huge weight off her and her mom’s shoulders.

“It would be a miracle to have that place,” Trish said. “I hope to heaven that the manager hears me and says, ‘Yes, you can move in August 1.'”

Trish and Pat, who were supposed to be out by June 30, are in the midst of arbitration with the landlord, giving them a bit more time to look for a suitable place. If they can’t, Trish, who receives a monthly disability cheque to live, says they will have no other choice than to live on the streets.

“There’s a field in the back where other people have parked their vans that have nowhere else to go,” she said. “And that is essentially what we will have to resort to.”

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