The Mount Paul Golf Course participated in the ALS Golfathon on Tuesday, an initiative started by the PGA of BC in 2005. It's raised $1.7 million (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

Mount Paul Golf Course raising money for ALS Society of BC

Jun 25, 2019 | 12:11 PM

KAMLOOPS — June is a month dedicated by the PGA of BC to raise money for ALS. On Tuesday, another local golf course is taking part in the fundraising effort.

Dan Latin, and other professionals at the Mount Paul Golf Course, are taking turns playing a long stretch of golf. The ALS Golfathon started at 4:30 in the morning. Raising money for ALS is personal for Latin and his family.

“Obviously a great cause,” said Latin. “It’s something that we’ve had experience here first hand. A friend of my son’s, his father had ALS. It’s just something, it was a good fit for us.”

Owner of the Mount Paul Golf Course Dan Latin took part in the ALS Golfathon on Tuesday (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

Mount Paul has been participating in the ALS Golfathon since it started in 2005. There is no fundraising goal, but Latin says there is a limit on rounds for the old bunch at the course.

“Not 16 18-hole rounds, that’s for sure,” joked Latin. “It would put me in traction.”

Earlier this month, general manager at the Kamloops Golf & Country Club Alec Hubert played a personal-record 16 rounds during its ALS Golfathon.

The initiative has raised $1.7 million dollars since its inception.

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