SOUND OFF: Be a voice for seniors in your community
IN MY LAST COLUMN, I talked about some of the issues of importance to young people who are in the midst of graduating, finding work, starting families and making a positive impact on our society. This time around, I’d like to focus on the needs of our seniors who have contributed so much to our Interior communities.
I recently held a series of Spring Tea and Town Hall events with seniors in communities throughout my riding of Fraser-Nicola. Despite the diversity of the people and issues that comprise this large constituency, there were many common threads of concern.
Affordability was a key issue in each of the communities, from Clinton to Hope and points in between. Most reported a need for affordable seniors housing that is appropriate for different stages of aging. Seniors may want to downsize but they also want to remain in the community they’ve called home all their lives, staying close to loved ones and to familiar supports. It’s important that they have access to these resources where they are.