PETERS: McLachlin Report shows the legislature needs proper supervision
THE MANY WAYS adults act like children will never cease to be fascinating. From video game obsessions to adult colouring books, more and more grown-ups are trying to hold onto childhood as long as possible.
One of the ways adults act like children is by being completely untrustworthy when they are unsupervised. And that’s one of the big conclusions of the report former Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin filed this week. McLachlin was looking into the conduct of former Clerk of the B.C. Legislature Craig James and Sergeant-at-Arms Gary Lenz. She concluded James engaged in misconduct on several fronts, though Lenz did not. An RCMP investigation is still ongoing, but the likelihood of crimes being committed seems slim. In any case, James has now retired, complaining that he didn’t want to see his name dragged through the mud any longer.