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Energy Efficiency

Province bumps up energy efficiency rebates

Apr 26, 2019 | 2:30 PM

VICTORIA — The BC government has announced increased rebates for homeowners who want to make their residences more energy efficient.

Incentives to upgrade doors and windows have doubled, bringing the total rebate to $2,000.

And, in an effort to get people to switch to high-efficiency electric heat pumps for space heating, the total rebate now stands at $3,000.

“CleanBC efficiency rebates will save people money, create good jobs and help put B.C. on the path to a cleaner, better future,” claims Premier John Horgan. “Helping people keep their homes cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter makes sense, and the efficiency they’re investing in will help B.C. reduce climate pollution.”

The higher rebates are part of a significant expansion of incentives under CleanBC’s Better Buildings program.

The province launched CleanBC in December 2018.

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