New Ukrainian leader’s campaign took page from sitcom script
MOSCOW — The president-elect of Ukraine does not have a political record that foreign governments and companies can search for clues. For now, a 51-episode TV sitcom might offer the clearest view of what kind of leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy will be.
Zelenskiy, a career comedian, foretold his future when he took the starring role in “Servant of the People.” The series, created by Zelenskiy’s production company, follows a high school teacher who finds himself elected to Ukraine’s highest office thanks to a recorded rant that goes viral.
The show, which premiered in 2015, is the first Ukrainian series bought by Netflix. In an interview earlier this year, Zelenskiy told foreign journalists he wanted to put “a dream country” on the small screen. The latest season was filmed and aired after Zelenskiy declared his candidacy for the real presidency on New Year’s Eve.