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Image credit: OHA

Lajoie back in the coaching game

Apr 24, 2019 | 6:30 PM

When Serge Lajoie and the Kamloops Blazers parted in what was called “a mutual separation” two weeks ago, he left no doubt that he still wanted to coach — once the dust had settled.

The dust settled quickly, and Lajoie is back in the game.

Serge Lajoie says a couple of hours after it was announced he was leaving the Blazers, he got a text from OHA Edmonton general manager Randall Weber asking if they could get together for coffee with Weber and OHA President Andy Oakes.

One thing led to another and last night OHA put out a media release naming Lajoie as the new head coach of its Edmonton midget prep team.

Lajoie says it was many of the things he learned in his season as head coach of the Blazers that attracted him to the OHA offer.

“The biggest takeaway for me,” says Lajoie, “was getting used to this age group.”

Prior to his one season as head coach of the Blazers Lajoie had spent most of his previous 13 seasons coaching an older age at the college and university levels.

After experiencing a year at the major junior level, this could be perceived as a step back in his coaching career.

“If you ask your ego how is this going to respond — because it could be perceived as a step back,” says Lajoie. “When I sat down with Andy Oakes (OHA president) he said there are two types of coaches we attract. The young coach that use it as a spring board because they want to get up to the next level, and also coaches that use it as a landing — come in for a year or two and really have a chance to continue their development as coaches.” I still believe that in two or three years from now when the fit is 100% right for myself and my family that the WHL is an area that I want to get back to.”

Until then Lajoie says he’s happy to be back home with his family, who remained in Edmonton during his one season in Kamloops. He has two teenage children who are heavily involved in playing hockey.

“I got back Tuesday at 8 o’clock and already I was emersed back into the family schedule.” says Lajoie. “My daughter was at the Raiders awards for her hockey, and my son Mark was gone to ball hockey —- so I had to take the dog out for a walk.” I missed a lot of the day to day activities with Mark and Izzie. Izzie right now is at the Esso Cup in Sudbury — I’m able to watch the games on line. With Mark he aspires to be in Tri-Cities next season as a 16 year old (first round pick of the Americans in the 2018 bantam draft) I’m just there to help support him and get ready for his next step in his hockey career, and Kelly (Serge’s wife) is happy I’m back, because I can assume a little bit more of the parenting duties.”

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