Biden jokes about accusations, targets union voters
WASHINGTON — Former Vice-President Joe Biden on Friday made light of his recent controversy about crossing physical boundaries with women, and he signalled in a resolute speech to union activists that’s he’s ready to run for president as a moderate Democrat in party that has been drifting left.
Biden, 76, opened his speech to a conference of electrical workers joking that he had “permission” to hug the union leader who introduced him. He later repeated the quip about a boy he invited up on stage. The remarks won cheers from the overwhelmingly male audience, but angered some of the activist women Biden has sought to convince he “gets” their concerns about his famously touchy-feely, and some say dated, style.
During his speech at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers conference and afterward to reporters, Biden defended his focus on the “personal connection” in politics.
“I’m sorry I didn’t understand more. I’m not sorry for any of my intentions,” he told reporters. “I’m not sorry for anything I’ve ever done — I’ve never been disrespectful, intentionally, to a man or a woman.”