Ontario appeal court overturns ruling of harassment against RCMP sergeant
TORONTO — Ontario’s highest court has overturned a ruling that granted an RCMP sergeant more than $100,000 in damages for years of harassment by superiors, saying the judge made several legal and factual errors.
The Court of Appeal for Ontario says the judge overseeing Peter Merrifield’s lawsuit erred in recognizing a new, freestanding “tort of harassment,” which would establish harassment as a separate wrong or breach for which someone can be held civilly liable.
The appeal court says such a tort does not currently exist in Ontario and Merrifield’s case does not present “compelling reason” to create one, though the court does not rule out the possibility that another case may provide grounds do so in the future.
It says Ontario Superior Court Justice Mary Vallee also made mistakes in determining that Merrifield’s superiors behaved in a way that constitutes intentional infliction of mental suffering — which is a recognized tort — and made “palpable and overriding errors in much of her fact-finding.”