Kamloops BC Lottery Corporation headquarters on shaky ground
“It is full speed ahead.” Reassuring words of comfort spoken in July 2018 by David Eby, minister responsible for the BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC), in response to media inquiries as to whether the NDP government was committed to the construction of a new BCLC headquarters in Kamloops, a project initiated by the former BC Liberal government.
Sound good? Not so fast. Unfortunately, it now appears that this commitment to Kamloops, like so many others made by the NDP government, could be on its way to the trash bin if it’s not there already.
First, some background on the importance of BCLC’s presence in Kamloops. When BCLC was created in 1985, the government of the day made the bold decision to locate the new crown corporation’s headquarters in Kamloops, departing from a long-standing government practice of locating such head offices in the Lower Mainland or Greater Victoria.
The benefits of this decision for Kamloops have been enormous, resulting in significant and widespread community pride and support for BCLC and its Kamloops headquarters. Not only does BCLC have a strong track record of being a generous community partner, but BCLC’s total cumulative economic impact on the Kamloops economy – by way of employment income, grants in lieu of taxes and community sponsorship – has been estimated to be $1.1 billion dollars in its first 30 years (1985-2015). Today, BCLC employs approximately 450 people in its Kamloops office, has strong linkages with Thompson Rivers University, and serves as an anchoring influence and mentor within the local technology sector.