Kamloops veteran street signs to be unveiled this weekend
KAMLOOPS — This Nov. 11 will mark the centennial anniversary of the end of the First World War, and in honour of the milestone, new veteran street signs and a special event will be held this weekend.
The Kamloops Museum and Archives, along with the Kamloops Chinese Cultural Association, will be hosting the event at the Kamloops Cenotaph in Memorial Hill Park from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. this Saturday (Nov. 10).
Presenters will discuss the history of the Kamloops Cenotaph and Cairn, including its 2016 restoration, and the story of Frederick Lee, a Rocky Mountain Ranger of the 172nd Battalion who fought and died in the Battle of Hill 70.
The museum will also unveil the first signs to be installed as part of the City of Kamloops’s Veteran Street Sign project. The signs will honour veterans by adding a poppy symbol to street signs bearing the names of fallen soldiers.