Rising rivers prompts city to activate flood response plan
KAMLOOPS — The rising Thompson Rivers have prompted the City of Kamloops to activate various aspects of its flood response plan.
Those actions included closing the Rivers Trail between Riverside Park and Pioneer Park. Tomorrow, it will close the pier at Riverside Park and turn off pathway lighting from the Riverside Park pier to Sandman Centre. The city will also cover catch basins in low-lying areas with large flood protection bags to prevent water from backing up onto roadways.
How concerned is the city about possible flooding at Riverside Park?
“At this stage we’re seeing predictions that are calling for a similar situation to last year when we had water up onto the pathway, a bit of water into the park,” says Utility Services Manager Greg Wightman. “We’re optimistic that that forecast will hold true but basically the forecast is calling for very similar levels over the next 10 days to what we saw last year.”