Kamloops council green lights regulatory change around homeless tents

Apr 10, 2018 | 4:17 PM

KAMLOOPS — Council has unanimously passed an amendment to City of Kamloops parks regulations that would set out when and where homeless people can set up overnight shelters such as tents.

The changes were proposed in the wake of a court decision prohibiting cities from forcing homeless people to take down their shelters if there aren’t enough public shelter bed spaces in the community.

Community and Protective Services Director Byron McCorkell says the city has made great strides launching more housing projects, but this will help those who must still live outside.

“Ultimately, we’re trying not to have people sleeping in temporary overnight shelters. If our goal of creating housing and accomodation from shelter to someone with a key and a job and a house works, this is a minor issue. But right now, that construction doesn’t meet with our ability to provide,” said McCorkell.

The bylaw changes identify 13 areas throughout the city where overnight tents will be allowed.

The shelters will be allowed there from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. during the March to November period, and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. during the December to February period.

“Ultimately, housing and housing issues are the purview of the province,” said McCorkell. “Our issue is trying to facilitate between the local service agencies that are funded through BC Housing as well as others to try and make those solutions happen.”

While the changes were passed unanimously, Councillor Arjun Singh took umbrage with the implication that providing housing is not the city’s job.

“I know why we say it, but I think we have to take some responsibility here for the good stuff we’ve done and the stuff we’ll be asked to be done down the road,” said Singh. “I’m not confident, to be honest with you, the province will come through with all the things that we need, and then it’s a conversation for us to consider whether we want to leave our people like that or not.”