Apex Surgical offers all aspects of oral and facial surgery
For many years, patients who needed advanced oral and facial surgery had limited choices for treatment. For elective procedures, patients had a choice to stay here or go out of town for help. If they chose to go outside of Kamloops, follow up treatments for many procedures consisted of heading to Kelowna or some other centre, requiring a fairly lengthy drive and often discomfort for the patient.
Additional resources have now been added here in Kamloops. Dr. Peter Stefanuto, who brings his years of specialized training to the city with his state-of-the art treatment centre. Apex Surgical, located at 206- 755 McGill Road, near the TRU campus, has a fully-equipped facility. Dr. Stefanuto says “we have a complete team consisting of a surgeon, nurses and anaesthesiologists who can take care of most aspects of oral and facial surgery, except for trauma cases or patients who require hospitalization.
Dr. Stefanuto started work on his practice in 2016, but it was in September 2017 that he was able to get fully operational. “To put our design in place, to put all the equipment together, was a major undertaking”, he says, “and we wanted to make sure all the requirements and specifications were met to the highest level before we moved forward.”
Apex Surgical can basically look after most of the oral and facial surgical needs for the area. It’s a highly specialized practice, and one that’s very limited in this region. Dr. Stefanuto says the big advantage of a facility like Apex is that patients can get their treatment and follow-up done right here at home. He says “this centre means that people can get their surgery, whether it be wisdom teeth dental extractions, implants, or reconstructive facial surgery done in Kamloops. And it means the patient can stay right here for follow-up without having to go to another centre.”