Kamloops Crime Prevention team wants to keep your Christmas shopping safe
KAMLOOPS — As holiday traffic at local retail spaces begins to pick up, the opportunities for enterprising criminals also increases. Today, city staff and volunteers were out reminding shoppers how to secure their purchases when out and about this holiday season.
Members of the Crime Prevention Team were at NorthHills Mall this morning, handing out pamphlets, as well as leaving them on cars in the parking lot, in order to remind shoppers to secure their valuables in their vehicles when shopping this winter. Crime Prevention Coordinator Sando Piroddi says are a few simple steps people can take to make sure they aren’t targets this holiday season.
“You should plan your shopping day,” Piroddi suggests. “If you’re going to make any big purchases, make them at the end and then take them home right away. Before you put parcels in your vehicle, take a look around, see if there’s anyone watching you.”