BARRE Kamloops
“Up an inch, down an inch. Find your home-base. Squeeze your heels.”
Mindfully watching her students amidst the sound of thumping bass in the background, the instructor subtly scans the room to correct placement and technique while speaking into the microphone. With music and occasional laughter, you may mistake the atmosphere for that of a hip wine bar. The furrowed brows, intense concentration and shaking legs say otherwise.
“People will be sorely disappointed if they are looking for a dance class,” laughs co-owner of BARRE Kamloops, Geralyn Alain.“ Barre classes are completely in a league of their own. You really need to experience one to understand.”
In operation now for almost two years, BARRE Kamloops is working hard to get their message out to the community. “People think that barre is going to be a ballet class, and that’s, of course, where the workout method’s name originated” Alain says.