CHARBONNEAU: CTF doesn’t speak for this Canadian taxpayer
GIVEN THE AMOUNT of media attention that the Canadian Taxpayers Federation gets, you would think that their members would be legion. But no, there are only five.
While there are thousands of donors, they have no say in the running of the CTF. Sensitive to the charge that they are an Astroturf organization –a fake grassroots group– CTF spokesman Scott Hennig responded with Setting the record straight: how the CTF is governed.
“From time to time, some folks claim the CTF is not a grassroots organization because we have ‘five members,’” he wrote. “The truth is that we sometimes have four, sometimes six and currently we have five. According to our bylaws we can have as few as three and as many as 20.”
That’s a pretty weak defence. To quibble over the actual small number of members is to ignore the point. The problem is that the CTF doesn’t hold annual meetings in which members can discuss policy and elect board members. The CTF argues that democracy is too messy.