Young people more likely to go meatless

Mar 22, 2018 | 2:58 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — A study done by researchers at Dalhousie University shows people under the age of 35 are three times more likely to consider themselves vegan or vegetarian than those over 49.

It also shows Canadians are watching what they eat more than ever before. One of the reasons for that may be influenced by changes to Canada’s Food Guide. 

“Health Canada is actually currently doing some review on some new recommendations,” said Northern Health Dietician, Flo Sheppard, “in those recommendations, they’re talking about an emphasis on plant-based proteins.” Sheppard added the current food guide already includes meat and dairy alternatives such as tofu and soy milk.

A few other reasons Canadians are going meatless are environmental and for animal welfare. “I was really passionate about animal rights and I thought that eating fewer animal products would be better for the environment,” said Kayla Buttress, who was a vegetarian for nine years, and has been a vegan for two. “I would never go back.”