B.C. premier says it’s time feds approve LNG but denies linkage to oil pipelines
OTTAWA — It’s long past time for the federal government to issue environmental permits for a multibillion-dollar liquefied natural gas terminal in Prince Rupert, B.C. Premier Christy Clark said Wednesday while confirming she’s in three-way talks with Ottawa and Alberta over hydro sales.
Clark’s demand ups the pressure on the Trudeau Liberals, who have so far avoided hard choices on resource projects that are being squeezed between pro-development premiers and environmental and indigenous opponents.
But the B.C. premier isn’t laying the blame at the feet of the Liberal government elected last October, saying the bid by Malaysian giant Petronas for its Pacific NorthWest LNG terminal began more than three years ago.
“There is something wrong in the system when investors can’t expect to get a yes or a no on environmental certificates and other permitting in something other than 1,100 days,” Clark told The Canadian Press in Ottawa, where she was on hand for the historic Komagata Maru apology from the prime minister.