Fire danger rating rising across B.C.

Jul 17, 2018 | 3:17 PM

KAMLOOPS — Scorching hot temperatures across much of B.C. is increasing the risk of wildfires.

Fire Information Officer Claire Allen with the BC Wildfire Service says that includes the Kamloops area.

“Certainly we’ve seen that fire danger rating increase dramatically over the past few days here,” she says.

“Throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre we’re seeing moderate to high with pockets of extreme and that’s also being reflected in the Coastal Fire Centre as well as the Southeast Fire Centre and even stretching up into the northern parts of BC in Prince George and Northwest fire centres.”

Allen says the now “held” East Shuswap Road fire in Kamlooops was really indicative of how fast things were drying out.

“Especially our fire forest fuels. Things like grass, leaves, shrubs and sagebrush.”

Currently she says 53 fires are burning province-wide with nine new fire starts on Monday.

Allen says a break in the weather this week may bring with it more precipitation but also thunderstorms which could result in lightning strikes.

So, what’s her message to those heading outdoors?

“Be extremely cautious with any activity that may lead to a wildfire and follow regulations that are in place in terms of the open burning that is allowed. And if you see a fire call *5555 on your cell phone or 1-800-663-5555.”