Theatre without a quiet audience

Mar 4, 2018 | 10:44 AM

PRINCE GOERGE —  At Theatre Northwest their performances cater to those who might have difficulty sitting through a long show quietly. Called “Relaxed” theatre, the adapted show caters to a variety of people, such as those who have autism or some kind of sensory communication disorder.

In addition, many performance elements are also altered to be less jarring. Loud music and sudden noises are softened on stage. 

General Manager Marnie Hamagami says she understands it can be nerve wrecking for some to come to the show, in fear they may interrupt. She hopes everyone remembers inclusivity is the whole reason Northwest is doing this. She encourages everyone to come and enjoy.

Hamagami goes on to say there is an acceptance that if anybody chatters or, shouts out, makes noises or fidgets, it’s absolutely fine.