Sacha Baron Cohen’s Got Another Lawsuit

Jul 14, 2021 | 6:08 AM

Sacha Baron Cohen defeated yet another lawsuit from a subject he tricked. The latest is former Alabama Supreme Court justice Roy Moore, who lost a U.S. Senate race amid claims of sexual misconduct. Moore appeared on Who Is America?, Cohen’s show for Showtime, and was interviewed by an Israeli “Anti-Terrorism Expert” named “Gen. Erran Morad.”

During the interview, Morad, or Cohen in disguise, introduced a device that could detect certain enzymes that are secreted only by “sex offenders and particularly pedophiles.” It beeped when it got close to Moore, and he sued. U.S. District Court Judge John Cronan has ruled that an agreement Moore signed bars him from claims of claims of defamation, fraud, and infliction of emotional distress.


Cohen, meanwhile, is suing a Massachusetts cannabis dispensary for using an image of his character Borat on a billboard without his permission. The billboard shows him with the thumbs up and the words “It’s nice!” — one of Borat’s catchphrases.