Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle best cure for winter blues

Jan 6, 2017 | 11:03 AM

KAMLOOPS — While receiving as little as eight hours of sunlight in the winter can be tough for many in the city, it can be even harder for those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

‘SAD’ is a form of depression most common during the fall and winter months when there are fewer daylight hours and more cloud cover.

Common symptoms include irritability, weight gain, and extended sleep patterns.

According to Dale Senger, a Mental Health Social Worker with Interior Health, maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is the best way to curb the winter blues.

“Even though appetite may be gone or you may want to be increasing the carbohydrate intake, it’s important to eat healthy meals, stay active and get out when you can,” said Senger. “Get out and embrace the days where this is sunlight. There’s also full-spectrum lights out there that can help.”

Most people in Kamloops say their mindset is still positive, despite the shorter days.

“My mind is great,” said one woman. “I don’t get down this time of the year, there’s no point. I”m pretty happy.”

“It’s horrible, I hate it,” said one man. “I hate the cold. I’d rather be somewhere where it’s nice and warm, like Arizona. It just brings you down, no energy.”

“Sorry, I”m not depressed at all,” said another woman. “I’m remarkably content and things are going well.”

Senger says those who are suffering from ‘SAD’ should speak to a doctor about additional treatments.

He adds they should also avoid excessive use of alcohol and stay away from illicit substances.